Ethnicity/Race composition of each Dental School (2010-2021)

a unique dataset compiled by Path32
Author: Dr. Charley Levy

note: this article explores the ETHNICITY diversity of each Dental School. We explored the GENDER diversity in a different post.

The A.D.A. recently published a paper, ‘A closer look at disparities in earnings between white and minoritized dentists’.  The objective of this paper was to look at the various factors that account for differences in dentist earnings between White and minoritized dentists.  They found that White dentists earned more ($254,860) than Asian ($202,967), Black ($170,097), and Hispanic($198,565) dentists.

At Path32, this led us to look at the different racial composition of graduates from each dental school.  Using raw data from the A.D.A., we compiled a data set for all U.S. Dental Schools that has the racial composition of graduates from 2010 to 2021. This includes data on almost 70,000 dentists.  This dataset is unique to Path32.  

For each dental school in the US, we looked at the % of each graduating class from 2010 to 2021 that identify as Asian, Black, and Hispanic.  For each dental school, we also provided the national mean and the regional mean as a reference.  

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